Course Description

Are you a manager interested in increasing your effectiveness? A human resources professional? An individual looking to move into management? Now you can acquire an understanding of the basic concepts and theories of management, while exploring the manager's operational role. Gain insight into the manager's responsibility in planning, organizing, leading, staffing and controlling within the workplace. Learn how the best managers manage for success!

Course Learning Objectives

  • Describe the difference between managers and leaders
  • Explore the focus of a manager’s job
  • Cite the required skills for a new manager’s success
  • Describe the five functions of management
  • Explain the new model management operating philosophy\
  • Describe the hierarchy of planning
  • Use the SMART goal setting technique
  • Discuss the concept of evolution of leadership
  • Explain how customer satisfaction is linked to controlling
  • Discuss the power of building a network

Course Format

There are four modules in this course. Each module has a corresponding quiz. You are allowed one try for each quiz every eight hours and you need to achieve an 80% on all quizzes in order to pass the class. You may take the quizzes as many times as you like.

Recommended Background

This course will appeal to a wide range of audiences. There are no course prerequisites; no previous business experience is necessary.

Course Certificate Criteria

Course Certificates are branded by University of California, Irvine Extension. They are printable, digitally shareable, and will empower you with a verified document in-hand. Link your coursework to your identity, and pass every module to earn your Course Certificate.