Focused Test Help

Domain, Process Group, Topic, and Chapter Exams

For simulation exams in the domains, process groups, knowledge areas (also called “process categories” in the PMP Exam Prep book), and Chapters we recommend that you only take about 20 questions. The use of the simulation exams should be limited. It is tempting to want to take all the questions in a category but that is counter-productive. When you attempt to take all the questions related to a specific area, such as Risk, you are already biasing the answer you choose since you know the answer is related to the Risk Topic.

  • The best practice for passing the exam is to study and then take a full 180 -question simulation.
  • Review each question you got wrong in the PM FASTrack® simulation, writing down the specific reasons for each wrong answer. This is made easier with our “Export Analysis Data” feature on the exam results screen.
  • Assess why the correct choice is correct and why the other answers are wrong.
  • Once you have analyzed why you answered questions incorrectly and complete additional studying, confirm your understanding by retesting with 20 additional questions.


Using the Exam Interface


The “Review” tab allows you to see the status of your exam questions. It will show a display of all the questions and indicate which ones are marked for review and/or unanswered. There is also a tab button to score your exam. For timed questions, the clock will continue to run while you are using the review feature. This is similar to the actual exam in that you can easily navigate to the questions that you have answered, and ones that you marked for review or skipped, before continuing to your mid-exam break (in the full exam) or scoring your exam when finished.


Each exam in our simulation software has a “Score Exam Now” feature. This is very similar to the actual exam in that you are allowed to navigate among the questions before you score your results. The “Score Exam Now” button appears in the “Review Progress” window.

Note: If you have not answered any questions, you may exit the exam without scoring by clicking the Finish Exam Now.


While you are taking an exam, you can leave a question unanswered. This is helpful when you want to skip a question that you are uncertain about, or one that requires more thought or time. Make certain that you use the “Review” button to check for unanswered questions before scoring your exam. On the actual exam an unanswered question is the same as a wrong answer, so be sure to answer all questions.

NOTE: In the Multiple Response question type, in order to leave the question unanswered you must use the Review Progress button to navigate ahead to the next question. The “Next” navigation button will not appear on these questions until you have selected the appropriate number of answers.

Exam Results

When you score your focused test, you will receive data points to help you analyze your test-taking skills. You will be provided with your overall score with the number correct, the average number of seconds that you used per question, the total time used, and the total projected amount of time it would take you to answer a 200 question test at that pace. On the actual exam you will only be notified that you passed or failed and be given a score rating in each domain. The rating categories are Above Target, Target, Below Target and Needs Improvement. Additional information is provided online at a later time. PM FASTrack® provides more detailed information immediately to help you plan your approach to the actual exam.

Timed Tests

A timer is part of the simulation exam experience. In focused tests, the exam timer differs than the full exam simulation in that it counts up from zero rather than down from a specific set time limit.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the University Code of Student Conduct, as on enrollment with the University  the student has placed themselves under the policies and regulations of the University and all of its duly constituted bodies. Disciplinary authority is exercised through the Student Conduct Committee. The Committee has procedures in place for hearing allegations of misconduct. Copies of the student conduct code are available at the Student Services Office.

Academic dishonesty is never condoned by the University. This includes cheating and plagiarism, which violate the Student Conduct Code and could result in expulsion or failing the course.

Cheating includes but is not limited to obtaining or giving unauthorized help during an examination, getting unauthorized information about the contents of an examination before it is administered, using unauthorized sources of information during an examination, altering or falsifying the record of any grades, altering or supplying answers after an examination has been handed in, falsifying any official University record, and misrepresenting the facts to get exemptions from or extensions to course requirements.

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to submitting any paper or other document, to satisfy an academic requirement, which has been copied either in whole or in part from someone else’s work without identifying that person; failing to identify as a quotation a documented idea that has not been thoroughly assimilated into the student's language and style, or paraphrasing a passage so closely that the reader could be misled as to the source; submitting the same written or oral material in different courses without obtaining authorization from the lecturers involved; or 'dry-labbing', which includes obtaining and using experimental data from fellow students without the express consent of the lecturer, utilizing experimental data and laboratory write-ups from other parts of the course or from previous terms during which the course was conducted, and fabricating data to fit the expected results.